Calming Treats for Dogs and Cats and How They Can Help Calm Your Pet - Okoa Pet
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Calming Treats for Dogs and Cats and How They Can Help Calm Your Pet

Did you know that around 90.5 million American households own pets?

Because of this, it’s safe to say that many consider their pets like family. As a pet owner, you may wonder how to help your furry friends if they’re experiencing anxiety.

When your pet is stressed or scared, you want to do everything you can for them, but it can be difficult to know what they need. Luckily, pet supplements and calming treats for dogs and cats are available.

They are packed full of yummy flavors and come with many benefits. Learn more about these treats and how they can help your beloved animal companion.

Benefits of Calming Treats for Pets

Calming treats for dogs and cats comes with many benefits. Before investing in them, you must know how they will help you and your pet. 

One of the main benefits is reducing anxiety. If you know your pet will get anxious, these treats can be a great tool to help them feel more comfortable and not scared. 

Stressful situations can cause dogs and cats to become over-energized. These treats reduce their stress and allow them to relax even if the situation hasn’t changed. 

You can also use dog-calming treats to encourage good behavior. Stress and anxiety can lead to unwanted behavior, such as excessive barking, digging, running around, and chewing. By reducing their stress, your dogs and cats will start to behave better. 

Anxiety can also make it difficult for your pup to learn. If you’re struggling to train them, then you could benefit from calming treats. They will help relax your furry friend so they can focus on training and learning. 

Health Benefits 

You can talk to your vet about prescription medication for anxiety, but one of the significant benefits of the calming treats is they are more natural and support your pet’s health. Many owners don’t want to constantly give their dog or cat a high dosage of medications, making the treats a great alternative. 

Calming treats can also help keep your pet’s joints healthy and reduce stiffness. Age can be hard on your dog’s or cat’s body and giving them pet supplements can be a game changer. They can help keep the four-legged members of your family comfortable and moving without pain. 

Common Causes of Anxiety in Dogs and Cats

Many different things can cause anxiety in pets. Separation anxiety, loud noises such as thunder or fireworks, and anxiety from previous abuse are common. 

It’s essential, as a pet owner, that you pay attention to your pet. To help them with their anxiety, you’ll need to know what triggers them. 

Be sure to have calming treats on hand when the Fourth of July rolls around if it’s loud noises. Storms can come in without notice, so it’s always best to have some available in case of thunder. 

Your dog may have separation anxiety. This is typically due to past trauma, but not always. If this is the case when you leave the house, giving your pup a calming treat may be beneficial. 

New people and new environments can also be stressful for animals—some love to explore new things while others don’t.

If you’re having a dinner party or new people over to your home, be mindful of your pet and how they feel. Health issues such as chronic pain can also cause your pet some stress.

Knowing your animal’s history can be helpful when it comes to adult dog anxiety. If you know they experienced something traumatic, you’ll need to take extra steps, like calming treats, to help them feel safe. 

Understanding the Different Forms of Treats Available

Several types of calming treats are available; however, chewable treats are some of the popular ones. The experience alone of getting a treat or chewing on something can calm your pet, which is why so many people opt for chewable.

Tips for Introducing Calming Treats to Your Pet

Introducing calming treats to your pet the right way is essential. Every animal is different, and you never know how each one will respond.

The first time you give your cat or dog a calming treat, stay close by and observe their behavior. You should also start slowly and introduce them to the treats gradually. 

It’s also important to try to give your dog or cat the treats during calm times. If you only give them the treats during high anxiety, they will associate the treats with the negative experience. 

Consistency can also be super helpful when introducing calming treats to your pet. 

While chewable calming treats are a great choice, you may want to consider switching them up occasionally. You can try liquid supplements, treat dispensing toys, or even a calming spray.

Calming Treats for Dogs and Cats

We know how important your pet is to you, and that’s why we do what we do! We want to help you give your pet the best life possible. 

Our site contains calming treats for dogs and cats that you’ll find useful. Don’t wait to support your pet. Start shopping here for calming products for dogs and cats.