How to Calm a Stressed Dog - Okoa Pet
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How to Calm a Stressed Dog

Do you have an anxious dog?

Often, people who take in pets find their beloved pals having difficulty remaining calm. Studies have found that over 70% of all dogs suffer from anxiety. This stems from various issues, from fear of loud noises to abandonment issues. 

But if you have one, you’re probably wondering how to calm a stressed dog. Below, we’ll go through all our best tips on soothing your pet’s nerves and calming him or her.

Keep reading to learn more!

Identify the Source of the Stress

Do you know what is making your dog anxious?

The first step to learning how to calm a stressed dog should be paying attention to what happens when your dog gets anxious. Do you have a lot of loud noises happening in or around your living arrangements? Does the dog seem to react differently to various people or situations?

You might find you can take simple actions to reduce the number of stressors in your dog’s life. For instance, if you live in an area with a lot of construction, you might want to try taking your dog to a quieter place and seeing if he or she calms down.

How to Calm a Stressed Dog: Take Them for a Walk

Have you ever heard that exercise can relieve human stress? Well, the same is true for dogs!

When dogs get exercise, they get to release their nervous energy and calm down. If you have a hyperactive dog, you should notice they get calmer after they go for some exercise. 

You might even find some new places they enjoy going to when stressed out!

Go on a Sniffing Adventure

Did you know that sniffing is about so much more than exploring a scent for dogs? 

Their brains release dopamine when they sniff, which soothes and makes them happier. So, if your dog gets nervous, take them to a place with many smells. This could include bringing your pet to a dog-friendly nature park. Should you choose to go out into nature, allow your dog a loose leash and plenty of time to explore and sniff. Resist the urge to hurry your dog along.

You should also be aware of any potential hazards. For instance, if your area has ticks or fleas, ensure you’ve given them anti-flea or tick treatments. In addition, keep an eye out for other creatures, such as snakes. 

If you don’t have a park nearby, buy dog-safe, scented items for your home.

You can also hide treats around your home! This allows your dog to sniff for their treats, keeping them distracted from their stressor and calming them down. You can also use dog-friendly human food, such as small carrot pieces.

Give Them a Safe Space

Like humans, dogs function better when they have a safe space to retreat when stressed. As such, you should make their area as comfortable and inviting as possible.

Purchase a comfy dog bed and add blankets, toys, and whatever else your dog loves. You may also consider giving them a room to enter when they’re too stressed. This works particularly well for households with other animals, who may need a break from one another occasionally.

Do Separation Training

Sometimes, dogs suffer from separation anxiety. If your dog gets anxious when people leave, they might have this type of anxiety.

You don’t have to go somewhere far away to teach your dog that you will come back, though! Try this: occasionally, leave them in a room for varying amounts of time. Once the time has expired, return. Your dog will learn that they don’t have to worry about you leaving them!

Have a Soothing Routine

When you get home from school or work, do you take some time to care for yourself?

Some good pampering can be helpful when calming your dog as well. As such, you should consider establishing a simple self-care routine for your furry friend. This could include cuddling together, listening to soothing sounds, or giving them a gentle massage.

Once you find something that works, make it a regular part of your dog’s day. Having a routine can help ease a dog’s anxieties, as it knows that it will have its needs met.

Get a Licking Mat

Did you know you can use feeding time to calm your dog?

Dogs lick when they’re stressed. One sign of an anxious dog is sores or irritation from licking. You can redirect your dog’s desire to lick by getting a licking mat and spreading wet food onto it.

These mats trap the food in grooves, encouraging your dog to lick to get it out. 

Try Greek yogurt, peanut butter, or a pure pumpkin spread for wet food. 

Get Relaxing Treats

Did you know that there are dog treats designed to calm your dog?

If you have an animal with anxiety, try CBD-infused dog treats. Our all-natural CBD dog treats combine healthy ingredients with CBD, calming your dog’s nerves in many situations.

Want to Give Your Dog the Best Products?

Knowing how to calm a stressed dog is essential to pet ownership.

Even if your dog doesn’t display signs of anxiety every day, it will likely encounter stressful situations in its life. By following the tips above, you can restore their calm. 

Contact us for more information on how our products promote dog health and well-being! We’ll be more than happy to answer your questions!