How to Maintain Optimal Dog Gut Health: A Guide for Dog Owners - Okoa Pet
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How to Maintain Optimal Dog Gut Health: A Guide for Dog Owners

There are around 69 million dog owners in the U.S., recent data shows. But why is this important?

Having a healthy dog is important so that your dog can thrive and survive a healthy life. In order to do that, you must take care of their gut health.

In this guide, we’ll give you five steps to restoring dog gut health. Then, you can be sure your dog will live healthily.

Read on to find out more.

Eliminate Grains From Their Diet

The truth is that dogs can’t process grains the same way humans can. In fact, it can be detrimental to their gut flora. 

Corn, for example, is found in a lot of dog food. But really, what’s better for dog GI flora is meat. 

Grains can lead to a whole host of inflammation. Meat doesn’t contribute in the same way. Therefore, it’s best to say no to grains and yes to meat when it comes to your dog’s health.

People have found that cutting out the grains has better served their dogs in the long run. But it’s also important to know that not all grain-free foods will eliminate dog health issues. Grain-free kibble, for example, uses potatoes and legumes, which can also cause detrimental effects on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

The best course of action, therefore, is clear: stick to meat!

Include Prebiotics & Probiotics to Optimize Your Dog’s Gut Health

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that live naturally in both our and our dog’s bodies. They don’t just allow us to have healthy bowel movements, but they also keep the body healthy. A healthy body breeds a healthy lifestyle.

A dog’s gut health impacts a lot of other parts of its body. Probiotics are booming in the market right now for dogs. They’re the top supplement you can give them for healthy dog GI gut flora.

“Belly Boost” is a pre + probiotic soft chew and newest addition to the Okoa Pet lineup of functional supplements. Each soft chew contain

If your dog suffers from diarrhea, for example, you should give them one of the following:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Saccharomyces boulardii

 These two strains should work wonders!

In addition, here are some other probiotics you can add to their diet:

  • Kefir
  • Fermented vegetables

They’ll be sure to keep your dog’s gut healthy.

You should also add in prebiotics. Prebiotics feed probiotics to help keep them alive in the body for longer. Dandelion greens and bananas are a good shout here.

Add in Bone Broth

A dog’s intestines break food down for absorption, and toxins are eliminated along with water and nutrients when the dog has a bowel movement.

Inflammation from unhealthy dog food leads to gaps between the walls of the intestines, known as leaky gut syndrome. This, however, is where bone broth comes in!

The gelatin in bone broth heals up some of the gaps. This improves the gut lining of your dog’s intestines and allows them to pass toxins much more healthily.

It’s simple to make, or you can buy it from your nearest health food store.

Avoid the Following

There are certain additions that you should definitely steer clear of. They can impact your dog’s gut health in a dangerous way.

Here they are:


Antibiotics will kill the bad bacteria in your dog’s gut. This might sound good at first; however, it’s not in the long run. They can make your dog sick.

If your dog does require antibiotics due to infection, then it’s a good idea to add in probiotics at the same time. This will help counteract the negative effects.


Make a solid attempt to reduce stress in your dog’s life. You can do this by taking them out for daily walks, playing with them regularly, and giving them healthy snacks.

If your dog does get stressed though, you might want to try one of these:

  • Lavender
  • Melatonin
  • Chamomile
  • Anxiety vests

In addition, CBD oil can be good for dogs. It helps lower anxiety and doesn’t contain the THC compound, which gives off a high.

If your dog does experience anxiety, it can be tough on you as the owner, too. But with the addition of one of the above, you can be on your way to having a healthy dog. A healthy dog gives way to a healthy gut, too.

Allow Your Dog Variety

Just like us, dogs like variety in their diet. Keeping your dog’s diet diverse can help keep its gut healthy. If it’s always kept the same, it can lead to:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

But if you give your dog variety, its gut is more likely to respond well. Diversity also leads to a whole host of nutrients that will allow your dog to flourish. So, it’s best to stay away from an imbalanced diet.

Always give your dog real food instead of fake food with grains. You want to feed them fruit, vegetables, and meat as the main portion of their diet. Don’t forget to swap them about also.

Organ meats can also be a great addition. This is because they provide a wide variety of nutrients. Another benefit is that the more variety of food that you give your dog, the better it responds to snacks too.

Avoid giving your dog anything that it’s sensitive to. If they’re given anything they’re allergic to, they could have a serious reaction. But allergies generally arise when a dog has been eating something for a long time, which is why variety is important.

Choose Us for Your Favorite Dog Food and Supplements for Dog Gut Health

Dog gut health is achieved by dog owners through a variety of means which we’ve explored here. Now, you know how to keep your dog’s gut healthy.

Remove grains and add in meat, bone broth, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Also, probiotics and a variety of other foods can help too.

If you need some high-quality food and supplements for your dog, then you’ve come to the right place. Get in touch with us right away! You’ll then be free from stress knowing you’ll have a healthy and happy dog.